22 April 2024
UPVC Roofing
As time progresses, UPVC (Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride) products have become increasingly recognized and applied to various construction materials. One of the UPVC products that is gaining popularity and widely used is UPVC roofing.
Many people are still unfamiliar with the advantages of UPVC roofing. Nevertheless, this type of roofing has become a favorite choice for many when building a house. Roof selection is indeed a crucial aspect of home construction. Besides influencing aesthetic aspects, the roof also serves many other important functions. Therefore, choosing the best roof is essential. Naturally, each type of roof has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore the advantages of UPVC roofing.
Advantages of UPVC Roofing
1. Sound Insulation
It's well-known that rain can cause discomfort for homeowners due to the noisy sound it produces. Therefore, you need a roof that can protect and dampen the noise from rainwater and other sources. UPVC roofs have a hollow and dense structure, effectively reducing noise caused by rain by up to 10 decibels.
2. Provides Cooling Effect
As Indonesia has a tropical climate, hot weather is a common occurrence. Sunlight can heat up the interior of a house, making occupants uncomfortable even with air conditioning or fans. UPVC roofing can help mitigate this issue. With ASA content providing protection against sunlight and ultraviolet rays, UPVC roofing can reduce indoor temperatures by 3-5 degrees Celsius.
3. Rust Resistant
Rust is a common issue that deteriorates metal objects and shortens their lifespan. However, UPVC roofing provides a solution to avoid rust. Since UPVC roofs do not contain metal and can withstand acidic conditions caused by weather, they are resistant to corrosion and rust, ensuring durability.
4. Durability
UPVC roofing is highly durable and resilient, making it suitable for extreme weather conditions. It can withstand impacts, pressure, and shocks of up to 500 kg, providing peace of mind during heavy rainfall or hailstorms.
5. Environmentally Friendly
With advanced technology, environmentally friendly materials are now available. UPVC roofing is one such eco-friendly option, as it contains no harmful substances and is recyclable, contributing to environmental sustainability.
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